Specialties from Switzerland:
The B&T weapon family
B&T’s product portfolio is consistently oriented towards the needs of the police, law enforcement and military customers.
The following list helps you to find your way around our offering.
Specialties from Switzerland:
The B&T weapon family
B&T’s product portfolio is consistently oriented towards the needs of the police, law enforcement and military customers.
The following list helps you to find your way around our offering.
A weapon system designed not as a single product but a complete weapons family for police and special units in a wide array of calibers. The identical ergonomics and commonality of spare parts makes it ideal for units of any size with different missions and tasks.
9mm carbine that incorporates many of the features found on the B&T APC9, MP5 and common
AR platforms of weapons
Carbine that incorporates many of the features found on the B&T APC223, MP5 and common
AR platforms of weapons
A product in a special category of its own as it is neither a pistol nor a carbine. It is an excellent selection for patrol, plainclothes or close protection duties. The folding stock and Aimpoint sight provides excellent accuracy well beyond normal pistol ranges.
Compact submachine gun for close protection, surveillance and plain clothes missions. The TP9 is the semi-automatic version.
One of the most if not the most accurate and quiet short range sniper rifles currently on the market. An ideal solution for urban operations.
A bolt-action precision rifle for medium to long shooting distances.
A very safe and accurate 40mm less lethal launcher for the public order and special team use.